Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So if I go back to finish my masters in art education I think I found some things that would interest me for a thesis. (Which is all I have left to do to finish my masters).

Tom Ford editorial for the December/January French Vogue: "Cadeaux": Deemed over-sexualized by some. I'll have to read into further reviews to find out more and why it was named "Cadeaux"? Cadeaux means "Gifts" in French; I suppose that could be interpreted in a wrong, inappropriate way? Right? 

I personally feel like there is an overall theme of desire, and come hither looks coming from the editorial.

What about Toddlers & Tiaras? Is that ok? I know there is an artist that did portraits of these girls, I saw the book at The Wexner Center gift shop once. I'll have to track down the name of that artists. Would this lead me to JonBenét Ramsey? Violence or Sex Crimes? Bad Parenting? Bad Parents who are artists?  For example, artist Larry Rivers and the videos he shot of his daughters growing up. Article here. What other "Crimes" of art are there?
Or the photographs, photographers shot of their own children like photographers Irina Ionesco or Sally Mann. Irina Ionesco's daughter, Eva Ionesco (pictured below) became her mom's muse and was photographed in erotic ways from a young age. The pictures were published in Playboy and Penthouse in the 1970s making her the youngest model to ever appear in either magazine at age 11. She later took "lolita" roles in movies and then began doing soft pornography films. Her mother was Romanian-French. Is Europe ok with this? Does Europe have a greater tolerance of sexual-ness, including involving children? Does Europe have higher or lower sex or violent crimes involving children than the United States? Child pornography is illegal, yet books of photographs of Eva, nude, at age 10 is still available online! Sally Mann had 6 accusations of child pornography in the United States and 7 Abroad.
Eva Ionesco is directing a film coming out about her childhood called, "Je ne suis pas une princesse" Which I thought translated to just "I am not a princesses" but I'm finding it to be "I am not a fucking princessess" on the web! I hope to see it and see Eva's personal views on her childhood.

How does this effect young girls and women and what they think of themselves? Is it ok? Is this reflective of how women are portrayed in art? How girls are portrayed in art? Does this make me a feminist? Has the way women are portrayed in art changed over history? (I already did a paper on this so that would help, I have amazing images from a Terry Barrett photography book.)

I would be curious to read sociology papers on the way images and pornography may lead to crime and how sociologists, psychologists, and possibly contemporary anthropologists think visual components in our world effect our behavior, and/or trigger sexual behavior.

*Book - Cinderella Ate My Daughter
*Skins - MTV show accused of child pornography?

Artist Vanessa Beecroft. How do I feel about her and her documentary... in Sudan? She adopted these twins... to be in her artwork???

And lastly, an "appropriate" "kids being kids", fashion editorial featuring kids, from Purple Fashion Magazine Fall/Winter 2009/210. Found Here.

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