Monday, November 8, 2010

Travel Dreamz List

1. Chicago! to take pictures in the bean, visit Marina, go to the SAIC museum, and probably eat Mexican foods.

2. Nyc! to see my long lost Kathleen, Erin, Kayla, and Cory and have a fabulous girls' weekend like Sex and City or something. (Really good drinks.)

3. The Big Sur! hiking, beautiful scenery, clothing-optional baths, Route 1, and breakfast with my sweetheart. Then I couldn't mind a whole trip down the coast to see some sights, towns, and high school friends.

4. Japan! I must go for my own adventures abroad!

5. Pittsburgh! to see the Andy Warhol museum!
6. Hawaii! Where I grew up, a total blast. Heaven, I can always go again & again!
7. Baltimore/DC! sweet aquarium, visit my broham, always fun.
8. Cincinnati! sweet aquarium, Ikea on the way home!

places I wish to hit once in my lifetime: 1. Croatia 2. Mexico 3. Canada 4. Australia 5. Europe: Germany (already have an invite!), UK, France, Pompeii, Italy, Iceland...more??


kat said...

<3 i miss you the mostess and also i know where that peace sign shirt is and i covet it so.

Marina Goldshteyn said...

woooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooo