Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the secret life of swimmers

I've been driving by posters or advertisements, (I'm not sure)... of "The Secret Life of Swimmers" since at least this past summer in Culver City on my way to go to Trader Joes. I finally remembered to look it up online to see what it was all about. As a collegiate swim alumni, I was intrigued. Photographer, filmmaker, and swimmer, Judy Starkman has been revealing the dual lives of friends she swims with through her photography series, "The Secret Life of Swimmers". The series is pretty cool, and as far as I know, the project is on going, and the posters/banners in Culver City will be staying up for at least another year. The funny thing is, I've been looking into joining a master's team locally and I've decided to try to have the money to spend monthly on practices starting in the new year. The closest pool to me is the Culver City pool, maybe I will see some of these secret swimmers...

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